
Sunrise Espresso

About the Sunrise Espresso

There’s so much to adore in Sunrise Espresso.

Open 7 days a week from 10am.

Sunrise Espresso is the perfect spot for light lunch and coffee with friends.

Our new menu includes the most delicious sandwiches, tempting cakes, irresistible sweets and a great selection of café style light meal options. Our Grinders coffees are prepared by our baristas and we have a great selection of local and International teas.

We pride ourselves on providing a beautiful café for all members and guests to enjoy.


Try Our New Summer Menu

Trading hours

Monday:           10am to 5pm
Tuesday:           10am to 5pm
Wednesday:     10am to 10pm
Thursday:         10am to 5pm
Friday:               10am to 10pm
Saturday:          10am to 10pm
Sunday:             10am to 8.30pm

Monthly Sunrise Special | $15
Served with a cup of coffee.

Ask our friendly staff for Today’s Daily Special. Extra 50c for Mug upgrade. Members Price.

Coffee & Cake | $12
Available everyday in the Sunrise Espresso

Members Price. Extra 50c upgrade to mug.

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